Cost Breakdown: How Much Application Development Cost in 2024? (Part 2)

Application Development

The cost of application development is one of the key factors businesses consider when deciding to build a business app. In a previous blog, we highlighted some of the important cost-related aspects. If you haven’t read it yet, we recommend doing so to clarify many of your questions about app development costs, especially in Florida.

In this article, we’ll explore a few more factors to help you make an informed decision about your business app development.

Previously, we discussed how different phases of app development and maintenance can affect the overall budget. Now, we’ll dive deeper into how the type of app and its features can significantly influence development costs. Let’s take a closer look.

To start, let’s examine the various types of apps clients typically choose and how these decisions align with their budget considerations.

Native vs Cross-Platform

Native apps are built using advanced technologies like Swift, Java, and Kotlin, each tailored for different operating systems like iOS and Android. This results in two distinct codebases, but other platforms such as Windows Mobile also exist, adding complexity to the choice of going native. However, native apps are known for their robust performance and high security, as they allow full access to built-in hardware features. This is why companies like Uber opt for a native tech stack to deliver a seamless, high-end user experience.

For clients with different preferences regarding budget, user experience, or market size, a cross-platform codebase can be a more cost-effective solution. Many successful products in the market today run on cross-platform frameworks. While cross-platform apps may have limitations in accessing certain hardware features, they come with the advantage of reduced development time. For instance, React Native can cut development time by up to 50%, allowing app delivery within 4 to 6 months compared to the 12 months often required for native development.

It’s also worth noting that Android app development tends to be more cost-effective than iOS development, making it an important consideration for businesses when planning their app.

Progressive Vs Native Web Apps

Progressive Web Applications (PWAs) share similarities with cross-platform development in terms of the development process. Available for both iOS and Android, PWAs provide the look and feel of a native app while functioning as a hybrid solution. These web-based applications can be saved as icons on a mobile device and even used offline. Although PWAs have limited integration with phone hardware, they offer significant cost savings by leveraging web technologies.

One major advantage of PWAs is the ability to reuse web graphical assets for the mobile interface while connecting seamlessly to the existing backend.

Notably, choosing a PWA can reduce your development costs by up to 30% compared to native app development, offering businesses a cost-effective mobile companion to their web application.

Health Applications vs. General Software

Health-related applications require more attention and careful planning than standard software due to their unique demands and critical considerations. Here are a few key factors to keep in mind:

Avoiding Cheap Solutions:

At TechRev LLC, we always advocate for building robust, feature-rich applications. Cutting corners with a low-cost approach can compromise your app’s quality, security, and functionality. For health app development, making strategic decisions to create a tailored solution that meets your business needs is essential. This ensures a successful launch and long-term value across different app stores.

Strategic Planning for Health Apps:

Managing the development budget for a health app requires early strategies, including:

  1. Delay PHI and HIPAA Compliance: In the initial development stages, avoid dealing with Protected Health Information (PHI) to delay the need for costly HIPAA compliance. Focus on non-sensitive data to streamline the first version.
  2. Evaluate EHR Integration: Assess whether Electronic Health Records (EHR) integration is necessary early on. Developing a basic app with core functionality first can save time and money.
  3. Decide on Platforms: Determine if your health app needs to be developed for both web and mobile platforms or if one will suffice to start. This decision can help optimize costs.
  4. Leverage Low-Code Solutions: Instead of developing from scratch, consider using low-code application development platforms like DEWStudio to speed up the process and reduce development costs.

By following these strategies, you’ll not only manage your budget effectively but also ensure that your health app meets the highest standards without unnecessary expenses.

When Should You Opt for a High-Quotation App Development?

Choosing a premium app development quote requires strategic planning, especially when building a health-related app with specific compliance needs and integrations from the start. Understanding the differences between app types and development strategies will help you make informed decisions regarding both time and, more importantly, budget.

Feature Complexity
The complexity of an app’s features directly impacts development costs. A feature-rich application will naturally be more expensive. Complex apps typically include:

  • Third-party integrations
  • Server-side logic
  • Mobile hardware utilization

These features increase the time and effort required from developers, contributing to higher costs. Additionally, databases, machine learning (ML) libraries, and front-end frameworks add further complexity. For apps such as marketplaces, stock trading, medical platforms, or blockchain technology solutions, higher complexity will drive up final costs.

API Integrations
If your app requires connections to services like payment gateways, messaging systems, or social media platforms, API integrations are essential.

  • Pro tip: Adding features like Face ID costs under $1,000, while third-party integrations such as social media can range from $4,000 to $6,000.

Machine Learning
Today, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) are crucial for personalizing apps to meet user needs. However, implementing ML requires significant coding efforts, time, and a larger budget. Businesses should also consider that ML integration demands an extended development timeline.

eCommerce Platforms
To save on development costs for eCommerce apps, platforms like Shopify, Magento, or Joomla offer trusted SaaS solutions for creating white-label experiences. These off-the-shelf platforms reduce development complexity and costs.

Integrating geolocation services adds functionality such as map navigation, route guidance, traffic updates, and more—features that come with additional costs.

Modern smartphones include multiple sensors, such as:

  • Proximity sensor
  • Accelerometer
  • Gyroscope
  • Compass
  • Barometer
  • NFC

Each of these sensors increases development complexity, which in turn drives up costs.

IoT Integrations
If your app needs to connect with external devices like pedometers or heart rate monitors, Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is required for seamless communication.

  • Note: IoT integration can cost around $9,000 per external device, even in simpler, low-code scenarios.

Accessibility Options
Many businesses overlook the importance of accessibility, but adding features for users with vision or hearing impairments benefits all users. Key accessibility standards to consider include:

  • WCAG 2.1
  • ADA Title III
  • Section 508
  • IS 5568
  • EAA/EN 301548

Implementing accessibility features is an investment that increases your app’s usability and ensures compliance with important regulations.

In conclusion, opting for a higher development budget ensures your app includes critical features, integrations, and compliance while also delivering a superior user experience. Startups should carefully weigh these factors to balance their budget and ensure a successful app launch.

In nutshell

Winning apps often stand out for their accessibility features. The great news? There are numerous ready-made tools and code templates to help make your mobile and web apps more accessible. While implementing these best practices comes with a cost, it’s an investment in creating a more inclusive product that benefits everyone.

These are just a few factors that influence app development costs. The types of developers you hire, along with hidden expenses and optimization efforts, can also significantly impact your budget. We’ll dive deeper into these aspects in an upcoming blog, so stay tuned for more insights.

For the latest trends, technologies, and app development pricing, be sure to regularly check the TechRev LLC blog.

Need more technical guidance? Connect with our professional team for expert advice.