Mockups are the first sight of the upcoming possible next big thing. After it’s clear what the app should do and what it’s for, the next step is to create a rough idea of how it will look and work. It all starts when you make a mockup, a black and white outline for all of the screens in your app. It includes all the buttons and optimum character-limited text.
The final mockups must be done by a professional. It will help you understand how your app translates from an idea into formulated words and screens on a smartphone. At last, it’s a mockup that helps you critically evaluate your idea. You may or may not find that your idea was feasible.
Sometimes the only way to illuminate the issues with your app idea is to write it out on screens as a user would experience it. Moreover, it allows you to get opinions from people on a real concrete idea. Instead of giving their opinions on your ideation, they can provide valuable feedback on the actual set of finalized mockup screens.

To make things clearer, when you are developing the template to build a mockup, your focus should be airtight logic. Basically, logic equates to thoroughness. Always ensure there are no missing screens and no paths to get stuck on a screen. As compared to the web apps, there should not be any island screens that have no buttons leading to them. All this jargon gets overly complicated, doesn’t it? That’s why we have compiled the 5 most important aspects and mistakes that are easy to make when doing mockups:
1. Leaving out screens in mockups
This is quite an obvious problem. It’s a hassle because your mockup is supposed to include a representation of every screen that will be on your app. In case your mockups are missing a screen or it’s just not complete, it’s a never-ending regret. When you are making your own mockups, including things like terms and conditions or confirmation screens will not be as important. But when you get a mockup done professionally from top UI/UX designers, make sure you are addressing every single screen. TechRev experts always ensure that the mockups offer you a first impression of the app, hence all the screens you’d need.
2. Non-functional buttons
If anything is not supposed to be on the app, it should not be included in the mockup. All of the buttons and screens should be connected as a close-circuited connection in a logical way.
Also read: Key Features for Mobile App Development on Foldable Screen Devices
3. Island screens & mockups
Island screens are the screens with no way to get to them. Ensure that you have gone through all the possible user actions within your app. This not just gives you a better idea of the user experience but also helps you keep all of the screens connected. When you imagine changing the settings and realize there is no way to reach that screen, you’ll see that you have to add some buttons to it.
4. Hitting the wall
Imagine including screens with no way to navigate from them. It’s useful if you imagine a full tree of the audience’s psyche for detecting sticky screens. It is common knowledge that if you provide a way towards your settings screen, there must be a way to leave that screen as well. Add a button that helps you reach there and later a button that lets you exit it. It doesn’t have to be the back button either, it could be an extra icon for all your screens. Speaking of which, always make sure that no matter how many elements you are adding to your screens, they should never get too cluttered.

5. Don’t forget the numbers
When we say don’t forget the numbers, it’s not about counting; we are referring to numbering your mockups. Numbering pages is a great way to organize and ensure good logic and flow. The pages must be numbered in such a way that it represents the user’s behavior and experience. Supposedly, if the first screen users see is the homepage, it should be numbered as the first one.
However, when you reach crossroads, where the user has more than one path to choose, you can assign the numbers semi-arbitrarily. Hence, you must start with a screen where it all begins.
Also read: Features that make Excellent Mobile Applications
Now that you have reached the end of this post, hope you have understood these topics. Help yourself to avoid these mistakes and build a professional mockup. Making a tangible, screen-by-screen mockup will also help you comprehend your idea in a more meaningful way. If at any point you seek professional help, you know TechRev experts are just one email away.