Benefits of having a real-time mobile app

Benefits of having a real-time mobile app. Custom Mobile Application Development Service.

There are two types of apps – static and real-time. Static apps are made for single-device use. However, with real-time apps, it becomes very easy to connect with users globally and have notifications and alerts. Users have left static apps in the past and want more real-time apps. Real-time apps have been gaining popularity because of their interactivity and real-time solutions available through a network over various devices. 

What are real-time mobile apps? 

A real-time mobile app is an app that can be used to share and access information in real-time. Some of the apps under this umbrella include messaging apps, live-tracking apps, video conferencing apps and file-sharing apps. Cloud apps that help real-time sharing and access of information on a variety of different devices are also considered real-time apps. Real-time apps enable users to interact with data and each other with the use of cloud technology. 

How can real-time apps help businesses? 

A Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) system is being introduced to some workplaces by higher management. Security concerns that come with using mobile phones have become more flexible with time. This makes mobile apps the next important touchpoint for business communication. Real-time mobile apps can ideally help with streamlining office communication, reduce costs, establish better collaborations between employees and create a business edge over competitors.  

Also read: How to engage your app users?

Cost Advantage: 

IT infrastructures within organizations for communication purposes are nefarious for how much they cost for creation and maintenance. Real-time mobile apps reduce the dependence on this infrastructure and make data sharing more accessible to employees, thus proving more cost-effective in the long run. 

Less Data Fragmentation: 

Real-time sharing means there is no data fragmentation because of data quality issues and inconsistencies. Control over critical data access can be made centralized through real-time mobile apps. 

Faster Access: 

Real-time apps are generally faster, which can prove to be extremely beneficial in the working environment. The business process becomes smooth and hassle-free with quicker data sharing. Internal business processes can be easily optimized and real-time user concerns can be swiftly addressed with the use of real-time mobile apps.


Collaboration & Innovation: 

The collaborative scope of the business increases significantly with the introduction of real-time mobile apps for data sharing and communication. This helps in fostering innovation as several divergent thinking minds come together to work on better solutions. 

How real-time apps can help users 

Real-time mobile apps have many benefits outside of a workplace environment as well. Users generally prefer real-time mobile apps for their transparency, speed and hence the ease of access.  

Transparency: Real-time sharing allows users to see the complete picture of the activities that occur on both sides. This transparent view makes the app more engaging. 

Speed: Low latency data sharing and communication with real-time apps makes them smooth and fast. This improves the user experience. 

Ease of access: An array of devices can access shared data in real-time with the use of real-time mobile apps with absolute ease. 

Real-time mobile apps, with constant improvements in technology, are rapidly replacing static apps with high latency. If you want more information about real-time mobile apps, our experts at TechRev would be happy to assist you and help you build your own real-time mobile app for your business.