If you are here, it means you have taken your first step towards promoting your business online, i.e. research and analysis.
The internet is a seemingly vast place, yet there’s always room for more. Yes, more dreams to come true, more businesses to flourish, and more effective ways to promote your business online. You may not have the excess cash to spend or a big burly marketing budget in the early stages of your promotion, but that doesn’t mean that there aren’t successful ways to make your brand stand out amidst a myriad of your competitors online.
The internet is saturated with marketing platforms that don’t cost a dime. All you need to know is where to look. If consistent, you can even make money out of simply thriving online.
Let’s have a look at some interesting online portals you can access for effortless online promotions.
1. Social Media
Stay active and engaged with your customers online. Social Media is not just a tool for you to make your online presence, it’s a channel to drive more sales, more traffic and gain exposure. The right strategies can help you build that efficiently. Social media does not take your money, just your time. Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn & YouTube have become essential for businesses today. Pinterest & Reddit if you are in a creative zone. Social Media can help your business at a personal and a company level.
2. Listing Services
There are various portals where you can list your business for free. Google Business for instance. All the Google services such as Google Maps and Google Places help you list your business. Registering your business with Google improves your business visibility online. It allows your business to be found more easily on Google searches if you don’t have a website yet. All you have to do is fill out the form, register and get your business verified through the confirmation process.
Yahoo! also has a big database of businesses called Yahoo! Local. It’s absolutely free and certainly worth a few minutes of setup. The more optimized your profile the better your ranking.
3. Start a blog
If you’re worried that free blog sites would not give you enough reach, you are somewhat correct. But the new blog on a self-hosted website (Blogging & SEO) takes its own sweet time to season.
A blog will not only help your company get a wider reach, it also connects with your consumers directly. You can try guest blogging as well. Keep in mind that once you start blogging your postings should be consistent and as frequent as you can. A dormant or abandoned blog is worthless.
4. Press Release
The misconception that Press Releases require a large network and hefty money is not inaccurate, but the possibility that it could be done for free must not be ignored. Every time your business does something newsworthy, you should feel confident and sent a press release to the publications. There is a strong chance the publication will pick it up if it’s worth sharing.
5. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
If content is king, then SEO is the kingmaker. SEO should never be underestimated in the world of constant Googling. Everyone’s searching their queries on Google and there’s a fat chance your business might be 0.01% of the 3 Billion active Internet users.
6. Join a community
Whichever your niche, there’s always more like you. Be even more assured there’s an audience for your niche as well. Every niche has communities online that you can get involved in. You can interact, engage, converse & share insights. But just signing up for a forum, or joining a group won’t be of any help. The best this habit will do is annoy people, so it’s better to be actively contributing in some way and build a rapport with the community. Here’s a quick tip if you have finally reached the end of the blog. If you are looking forward to hiring a best in class digital marketing solutions company to promote your business online and achieve a great conversion rate, TechRev could be the help you need.