iOS vs Android: Which Platform is More Cost-Effective for Developing Business Apps in 2024?

iOS vs Android

Are you curious about where to allocate your app development budget this year? Explore the cost benefits of developing on iOS versus Android in 2024!

Given the ever-evolving and changing technology landscape, the decision between iOS and Android for your business app in 2024 is not a simple one. Both platforms have their unique advantages, but when it comes to cost-effectiveness, the choice can be complex.

According to a Statista report, the market share of iOS and Android in the United States reveals that iOS holds 57% of the mobile operating system market, while Android captures 42%. This significant market share disparity highlights the importance of choosing the right platform based on your target audience. And, iOS users often exhibit higher spending power and engagement, a crucial factor to consider in your decision-making process.

In this article, we’ll look at every fundamental factor influencing the cost of app development for iOS and Android. From development costs and time to market to maintenance expenses and potential revenue, we’ll provide a comprehensive comparison to help you make an informed decision for your business. Let’s explore which platform offers the best value for your investment in 2024.

Market Share of iOS and Android Apps

According to Stat Counter, Android holds a significantly larger market share globally, dominating over 80% of the population. However, in the United States, iOS leads with 52.59% compared to Android’s 46.98%. In Europe, Android has a substantial lead with 72.71% market share versus iOS’s 22.23%. 

In Asia, Android’s dominance is even more pronounced at 83.09%, while iOS holds only 13.85%. These statistics highlight the regional preferences and user loyalty that drive the market for both Android and iOS app development.

A Brief on iOS

In the market of mobile app development, iOS needs no introduction. It is a mobile operating system developed and maintained by Apple, exclusively designed for Apple devices such as iPhones and iPods. Initially known as iPhone OS, iOS is a Unix-like system based on the Darwin operating system. It is the second most used mobile operating system globally, renowned for its seamless user experience. Apps for iOS are primarily developed using Swift, although C, C++, and Objective-C are also utilized.

All about Android App Development

Android, an operating system maintained by Google, is derived from the Linux kernel and other open-source software. Designed for touchscreen devices like smartphones and tablets, Android development uses C, C++, Java, and Kotlin. Launched in 2008, it has become a leading mobile app technology. The latest stable release is Android 12. Android is free to use, making app development cost-effective for businesses. This affordability and widespread use distinguish Android from iOS in the mobile market.

For instance, WhatsApp, a globally popular messaging app, thrives on Android’s wide user base and cost-effective development, demonstrating Android’s market impact.

iOS Vs Android for Developing Business


When it comes to app development speed, iOS has an advantage. Using Swift, Apple’s own programming language, and dealing with fewer device variations, iOS apps can be developed and tested more quickly. In contrast, Android development is slower due to the need to accommodate multiple device types and screen sizes. Java, commonly used for Android, often requires more coding than Swift. While iOS offers faster development, the best choice depends on the specific needs and goals of the business.

Ease Of Use

iOS excels in ease of use with simpler development and faster time-to-market due to less coding. The Apple App Store review process is typically swifter. In contrast, Android offers greater coding flexibility, beneficial for complex apps but potentially extending development timelines. Google Play’s stricter review process may delay app launches. Choosing between iOS and Android hinges on whether streamlined development or coding freedom aligns better with your project goals and timeline.


iOS emphasizes sleek, modern design with a consistent user interface, adhering closely to Apple’s guidelines for professional and attractive apps. In contrast, Android offers greater design flexibility, allowing for diverse and creative app designs. Developers can customize their apps extensively, creating unique user experiences. However, this flexibility also brings challenges, as there are no uniform design standards. Choosing between iOS and Android for app development ultimately hinges on balancing design consistency with creative freedom and user engagement goals.


Security is a critical consideration in app development, and iOS often holds the edge. Apple’s stringent guidelines and rigorous app review processes contribute to iOS apps being generally more secure. With control over hardware and software, Apple ensures a higher level of security. In contrast, Android’s open-source nature allows for greater customization but can increase vulnerability to malware. Google offers safety measures like Google Play Protect, but security ultimately relies on user vigilance. For startups prioritizing security, iOS may offer a more reassuring choice compared to Android.


iOS app development tends to be more expensive due to the requirement of a Mac computer and Apple developer license. Testing across multiple iOS devices can also escalate costs. In contrast, Android app development is generally cheaper, benefiting from affordable development tools and a wide range of device options. However, as the Android market expands, development costs may increase. Maintenance costs for both platforms involve regular updates, with iOS updates managed through the App Store and Android updates via Google Play or direct server updates, potentially incurring fees.

Development Complexity in iOS vs. Android App Development

iOS development is generally less complex than Android due to Apple’s unified ecosystem and fewer device variations. Android, with its open-source nature and diverse device market, requires more time and coding expertise to ensure compatibility across different OS versions and device types. This complexity often necessitates a more meticulous approach to development compared to iOS, where the streamlined process can lead to quicker deployment and potentially lower development costs. Choosing between iOS and Android should consider these complexities to align with business objectives effectively.

Which One to Choose?

Deciding between iOS and Android can be challenging, but understanding their differences helps businesses choose wisely. Both platforms offer distinct advantages in security, speed, user experience, and development complexity. Factors like target audience and app features further influence platform suitability. For instance, Uber’s success on both iOS and Android showcases how each platform’s strengths can cater to diverse user needs effectively. Ultimately, businesses should decide based on thorough consideration of their specific requirements and objectives for optimal app performance and user satisfaction.


When choosing between Android and iOS for your start-up, weighing factors like cost, speed, ease of use, design, security, and development complexity is crucial. Android often provides a cost-effective and easier development process, while iOS offers enhanced security and design quality. Fortunately, modern development tools enable simultaneous app creation for both platforms, simplifying cross-platform deployment. Ultimately, consulting with an experienced iOS and Android application development company like TechRev LLC can provide invaluable guidance tailored to maximize your app’s success on your chosen platform.


How do I choose the right programming language for my app development project?

Choosing the right programming language depends on factors like project requirements, team expertise, platform-specific needs, and long-term maintenance considerations. Evaluate factors such as language features, community support, development tools, and scalability to make an informed decision that aligns with your project goals.

What are the advantages of using Java for Android development?

Java remains a robust choice for Android development, known for its stability, extensive community support, and mature ecosystem. Many developers are already familiar with Java, and it offers strong performance and compatibility across various Android devices and versions.

What programming language is used for iOS app development?

iOS app development primarily uses Swift, a programming language developed by Apple specifically for iOS, macOS, watchOS, and tvOS. Swift is designed to be modern, safe, and efficient, making it the preferred choice for developing native iOS applications. Objective-C, an older programming language, is also supported and used in some legacy iOS projects.