Push Notification Integration in an Android App Development and Its Benefits

Android App Development

The Android App Development and marketing of an application go hand in hand. To make an app reach a larger audience is the ultimate goal. Hence, as much as it is important to reach out to experts for the custom software development process, it is necessary to pay attention to crucial details. 

A push notification is an imperative feature that should be integrated into the Android app. From the marketing point of view, it will prove to be beneficial for businesses in terms of consumers’ frequent app usability. 

What is Push Notification? 

Did you notice the pop-up text of an app on your phone while the phone screen lock? If YES, it is referred to as a push notification. 

In technical terms, it is an alert from apps that allows users to take a specific action. These pop-up notifications can be text, images, or buttons. This easy-to-use navigation option appears on the home screen and device notification center as well. 

Single push notification to new subscribers during the first week since app installation can boost retention rates by 71% over two months

Source: Moengage.com

Businesses of any niche should consider this component as it will prove to be beneficial when it comes to customer convenience. Though, to let users enjoy this feature, it is vital that the Android app development company integrates it successfully. To ask professionals about the integration of push notifications, it is always advantageous to know all about the feature extension. 

In this manner, a business can quickly provide a brief on their visions and could also understand the complete custom app development process quickly. Additionally, it will allow them to estimate both time and costs in production. Henceforth, for insight into push notification integration, the process is briefed below. Thus, take account of the further-mentioned aspect to make progress with mobile app development.

How to Integrate Push Notifications in an Android? 

Setting up the Firebase 

To make the connection between the app & firebase, use the firebase console. For a detailed step-by-step process, you can check out the link. (https://firebase.google.com/docs/android/setup). 

This link will take you to a page that contains a thorough “How to guide” for setting up Firebase. 

Creation of Mobile Application in Iterable 

To create an app, an iterable comes into the picture that allows the application to store the app’s name, identifier, platform, and store URL. For this, developers follow the steps that include.

Go to Settings > Apps and websites.

Select Add a new app or website.

For Name, enter the name of your application.

For Platform, choose Android.

In the Package name, enter your application ID. Click Create app.

Assigning Push Integration to the App

The integration of push provides the API key that allows authentication with Firebase. It is repeatedly used while sending the notification. While making a query regarding this step, remember that with a mobile app, either existing or new push integration is associated. 

The aforementioned is a crisp and concise explanation of the integration. Connecting with a reputed US Mobile and Web App Development Company for your business, Android app development will give you detailed information and direction for successful integration. 

If you are still uncertain about its implementation, it is good to know about its advantages. To leverage the benefits, know what the push notification can bring to your table. 

Benefits of Push Notifications in Android App Development 

Enhance User Engagement:

By sending consumers timely and pertinent information, push notifications are a powerful tool for maintaining their interest in your app. By sending personalized and contextual notifications to users, app developers can increase user engagement and retention. 

Improve User Experience: 

Without a doubt, Android app developers offer a seamless and customized user experience for customers. Users can receive notifications with push notifications even when they are not actively using the app, making it easier for them to stay informed and up-to-date with the app’s latest features, updates, and promotions.

Drive Traffic to the App: 

Push notifications can help app developers drive traffic to their app by encouraging users to open the app and take specific actions. By sending notifications that offer special promotions or exclusive content, developers can incentivize users to open the app and engage with its features. 

Increase Revenue: 

Push notifications can also help app developers increase revenue by promoting in-app purchases or reminding users to renew subscriptions. By sending timely and personalized notifications that encourage users to make a purchase or take advantage of a limited-time offer, developers can boost their app’s revenue. 

Analyze User Behavior: 

With push notifications, app developers can track and analyze user behavior by monitoring how users interact with notifications. The right information will help to optimize the app’s notifications strategy and improve user engagement.


Overall, push notifications are a powerful tool for app developers to engage with their users, improve user experience, increase revenue, and gain insights into user behavior. However, it’s important to integrate and ensure that it provides value to the user without being too intrusive or spammy.

For quick and error-free integration, connect with TechRev. Our professionals and industry expertise will make your business application robust and feature solutions for potential and regular customers.